So much more has happened since my last post.
I have helped out as " Camp Mum" at lakes Ranch at the July school holiday program camp, 5 days of camp .
I was asked to bring some horses so I brought Prince, Freedom, Lady and Snoopy.
They were used by the campers and I rode Snoopy.
I had the tourist flat near the lounge/reception area and I admministered the medications for the kids that were on medication.
I also supervised the kids that were on insulin, and made sure their blood/sugar level tests were done and the sugar levels were ok. It determens how much insulin she would need.
The camp had 25 teenage girls and 3 teenage boys. Yes, I really think horses is a girl thing, but the biys that like horses too aren't "strange" as some would think. They are just as normal as any boy, they just like the horses.
During the camp we had Guido as our directior. There were camp leaders and every day we would have prayer in the morning at 7.30 am. The cabin leaders would be about 17 years old, the campers are from 12 years to 16 years.
During the week we had some great fellowship and talks and awesome treks. We did games on the horses, which Snoopy is good at.
I enjoyed them too. I had not really learned how to do the games but I learned like everyone else.
The main thing out of this whole week is that besides the main speaker,which was Simon, who shared his testimony on the first night, which was very moving, I also spoke and shared what was on my heart, which was eterity. I shared my sister's story, and Ian McGormich story, also Simon Makrell's life after death experience. They were all to do with, what happens when you die?
At the end of the week there were 15 girls that gave their lives to Christ!!! Praise God, what a harvest!!!

LakesRanch is always a haven for them( and me) and they can continue to grow in God as they get each a bible and given support in their decisions.
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