Then we waiting for some more riders to arrive. Diana took four of my new riders away on her own little trek, told them lies about me and ( found that out later) and after our trek she was there again talking ( spreading lies) to my members trying to influence against me. Julie Witte said she was a narker and she is spoiling for herself as well as for all of us.
Well then later I saw Diana putting her horse dung under a little tree, so I said " that's not allowed Diana, take it home with you" Well, she then went off at me , right into my face yelling at me saying i shouldn't be charging people on council land, and I said "we are not, people can give a donation, but I don't charge them." Then she said I lied and that I was charging them. So I said " what's that to you anyway? " So she said " well, I pay my rates, and don't want to see you making money from public land" well, I also pay rates and we do not charge but people can make a donation", then I said" I used to charge but not now that I know it's not allowed, so now we just run on voluntary donation, if people want. Then I prayed out loud and said " I rebuke you, spirit of witch craft and jezebel, in Jesus name, I bind you and all your works! She was fuming, I had my friend Marj with me( you haven't met her yet but she will move to katiKati soon she is lovely!) and we just prayed together , and then she latched on to that, and then her ugly demonic spirits manifested in her and yelled" don't bring this f***ing G-d into it, and she went" F*** God!! out so loud, every one heard it! Unbelievable, I said " I don't want to see your face ever again, just go, and then she said" I will go before I punch your lights out!"
Everyone heard it and was disgusted with Diana. She went over to the group and " apologied for the noise" and they just said " Go away!!!" Now it's a good thing this has happened as everyone( including the 4 she took away on her own little trek) how evil she really is! There were 3 other christians in today's trek that were quietly praying for me in the background!!! Praise God!( the most I have ever had)
So that was today. Not nice aye? I'm glad you didn't have to be exposed to this, but everyone supported me and Marie said to me" I can't offer you a stiff whiskey, but would you like to have a coffee?, I'll make it for you now and she gave me a warm hug.She is lovely! She told me that Diana is like that at her job too, and that she is not just like that to me, but other people too.She has a bad reputation !
She is one very bitter old woman. Sad really!!! Pauline, Stella and all the others were so nice to me, they said I did well, and hopefully this is the end of it. Julie said obviously Diana was out for blood to try and disrupt the group and to divide and conquer, but it didn't work!!!
One of the 4 ladies that went with Diana just rang now, and she said she felt she had been misled and manipulated by Diana. She wished she h ad been with us now as she actually led them along a busy road with vehicles and machinery ( kiwifruit pickers) and not along the beach like we did. Also Diana told them" don't pay her( me) any money! and they replied" we don't have to pay her any money!!! So Diana knows that they don't have to pay anything!!
So now you knowwhat happened today! When souls are being saved the devil is furious!
Must go to bed and let the the Lord strengthen me on the inside, but I kept saying all the time" Greater is He that is within me, than he that is in her!!!!!" The vistory belongs to the Lord!!! Pray for Diana's salvation, for her obvious broken up and painful past and that the hurt, unforgiveness and bitterness will be replaced by the power of God, his healing in her life!!!!