Well, long time since I last wrote.
Winter is almost done, one more month and we have spring.
Winter riding hasn't really happened that much as we had so much rain.
We also didn't have any workers/helpers during our winter as there isn't much to do.
The only one we had was a lovely and sweet quiet Taiwanese lady ( 27) who helped me with the cleaning .
We have kiwifruit workers, genuine tourists who are staying at our hostel and who are working in this area.
The Horsesforfun has been going quietly along with a fortnightly trek organized by me, but because we had a lot of rain we've had to postpone a few, and the ones when it was sunny we rode on the beach.
We've used our stables when it was really wet. ( yes we have stables now, Brian made a double stable for 2 horses from our old garage. ( see my other website for photos) http://horsesforfun.webs.com
That was a real blessing.
Parminder came to see me the other day, ( I led her to the Lord a few years ago) and she is doing great. She has grown heaps in the Lord.
We did a beach ride yesterday at Tuapiro beach and 15 riders came!!! That was quite a lot for a winter ride...We took our tourists and today, we had an other trek with 2 tourists.
As we ride out I quietly pray for a safe trip. The Taiwanese girl who ride today had never been on a horse before. She rode Freckles and I lead reined her off Snoopy. On the way back after a 2 hour trek she rode alone and managed quite well and she really enjoyed it.
I must say Freckles is a very good and bombproof pony.
Didn't go to church today as I had to prepare the horses but God knows my heart, He knows I love Him.
And there are other days to catch up like mid week study and next week church.
PS By the way, meet our new horse, Cheyenne, a black and white pinto mare, who is going to be part of our horses team. She is still quite unfit but we already have 3 volunteers to make her fit by regular riding her.
Me riding Cheyenne |
Kim riding Cheyenne |
Me riding Cheyenne, all at home. |
Photos of her on left and below.
We started by going to Ongare point. |
after we came back we went onn the mudflats behind the beach |
Going around the deep part |
Me giving a briefing before going on the trek |
The group of Horsesforfun starting the 2 hour trek |
Me in blue cardi on Snoopy |
Going back around the corner through some water |
Julian( our French guest ) sat on the rock waiting for us to come back |
Beautiful scenery |
Getting one of our tourists ready |